Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Acanthophthalmus semicinctus, Pangio semicincta

Acanthophthalmus semicinctus (Pangio semicincta) lives in slowly current streams and ditches with a soft ground of South East Asia: Zondsky islands, p Malacca.

At acanthophthalmus semicinctus the body worm prominent forms, is weak flattened on each side in the field of a tail, the lateral line is absent. All body, except a head, is covered by small scales. Eyes with thin, transparent leatherback a film and under each eye a thorn doubled on the end. A mouth bottom with three steams of moustaches facilitating search of a forage in an oozy ground. Fins small. The back fin is on a back half of body. The trunk is painted in zolotisto-red colour, to a belly the pinkish. On a body of 12-16 wide cross-section strips sphenoid forms (it is frequent with a light site inside) dark brown almost black colour, as a rule, not crossing the body middle (except for 3 strips at a head and a strip on the end of a tail stalk). Sexual differences: at the male thickened the second beam of a chest fin; the female fins has less, a little more dense belly in which transparent, greenish berries can be visible. At length acanthophthalmus semicinctus reaches 8 see Life expectancy till 5 years.

Acanthophthalmus semicinctus ground and peaceful fish. Activity shows with approach of twilight. Prefers pure and transparent water, shelters from light and a soft ground in which with pleasure buries. Gets on with any small peaceful fishes living in average and top layers of an aquarium. At sharp differences of atmospheric pressure acanthophthalmus semicinctus become very uneasy.

Acanthophthalmus semicinctus it is possible to contain in the general aquarium in volume from 70 litres with a ground from rounded river sand (places with a peat layer). As shelters use thickets of plants (including floating), snags, stones etc. Illumination disseminated. Parametres of water for the maintenance acanthophthalmus semicinctus: rigidity 5-20 °, pH 6.5-7.2, temperature 22-30 ° C. The constant filtration, aeration and weekly substitution to 25 % of volume of water are necessary.

Acanthophthalmus semicinctus uses in food live (small bloodworms, tubifex), vegetative and dry artificial the forage (80 % of live and 20 % of a vegetative substitute), sympathise with special tablets for ground fishes. Acanthophthalmus semicinctus selects a forage only from a bottom and is the excellent cleaner.

The aquarium in volume is necessary for cultivation acanthophthalmus semicinctus from 30 litres, equipped with a separator grid. Establish spawning so that fishes disturbed nothing. Parametres of water for cultivation acanthophthalmus: rigidity 5-15 °, pH 6.5-7.0, temperature 27-28 ° C and a water level 20 see On spawning put group of fishes of 3-6 individuals (the female should have an increased paunch) at the age from 1 year where on one female two males have. For stimulation of spawning to manufacturers do an injection chorionic gonadotropin of calculation of 50-70 m. ะต. On 1 small fish. As acanthophthalmus semicinctus very mobile fishes to keep them in hands it is almost impossible. For this purpose, before an injection of small fishes place in small aquarium in which water have added some drops novocaine. Through 5-10 mines of a small fish freeze, and it can be made an injection. After that manufacturers transfer to an aquarium. In some hours males start to pursue females, nestle a head on a head of a female, thus as though supporting its chest fin. In this position of steam quickly moves at an aquarium bottom, then rises to a surface. During this moment the female throws a portion of light green, sticky berries which fall on a bottom or are pasted to plants. Efficiency of 500-700 berries. Manufacturers at once removed. In a day from caviar there are tiny green larvae, and in 4 days fry start to float and eat. A starting forage: the infusorians, small cut tubifex, brine shrimp nauplii or rotifers. Also it is possible to bring up their dry feed intended specially for fry eggs throwing of fishes.

Sexual maturity acanthophthalmus semicinctus reaches at the age of 8-12 months.

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