Friday, November 18, 2011

Botia macracantha, Chromobotia macracanthus - clown fish family Cobitidae

In the nature the Botia macracantha lives in reservoirs rich with water vegetation in South East Asia, Indonesia (Sumatra and Borneo). To aquarists it deliver since 1936, and in sale the fishes caught in the nature arrive, as a rule.

The Botia macracantha has the extended, roundish body and magnificent colouring.
Primary colour of a body varies from yellow to orange-red, with three cross-section black wedge strips. A back fin of black colour and only at the basis yellow, tail and belly are painted in black and red colours. At the Botia macracantha large eyes without a protective skin under which there are sharp thorns (fish can strain and weaken them). Round a mouth four pairs moustaches are located. At the slightest danger the Botia macracantha publishes the sounds reminding clicks. At length can reach 30 External sexual distinctions at individuals see are absent.

To contain the Botia macracantha (Chromobotia macracanthus) it is necessary in an aquarium not less than 200 litres with muffled light and numerous shelters at the bottom.
The ground is necessary soft, sandy. Plants in an aquarium land large-leaved, well taking roots in a ground. The Botia macracantha can live only in flight on 5-7 individuals, on the single they perish, the specific aquarium therefore is preferable. Grow very slowly and not always appear hardy. Water parametres: rigidity of water 5 - 10 °, рН 5,8 - 8,0, temperature 24 - 30 °С. The filtration, aeration and weekly substitution to 30 % of volume of water are necessary.

Botia macracantha (Chromobotia macracanthus) are omnivorous. They consume in food both live, and a dry feed. It is desirable to give them vegetative top dressing and vitamins.

To dissolve the Botia macracantha (Chromobotia macracanthus) in an aquarium extremely difficultly. But, nevertheless, it is known that some aquarists to receive posterity at the Chromobotia macracanthus nevertheless it was possible.

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