Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pangio myersi, Acanthophthalmus myersi

In the nature Acanthophthalmus myersi (Pangio myersi) live in slowly current streams with a soft ground of South East Asia and India. At length reach 10-12 see.

Acanthophthalmus myersi has serpentine, flattened from sides a body covered with very small scales.
The small fish is painted in bright orange colour. On all body 15-20 cross-section strips of dark brown, almost black colour are located. At acanthophthalmus myersi small fins, without rigid beams. On a head are absent scales. In mouth corners three pairs short moustaches which facilitate acanthophthalmus myersi forage search in an oozy ground are located. Under eyes sharp infraorbital thorns are located. Males differ from females in smaller size. At mature females in a paunch it is possible to notice greenish berries.

Acanthophthalmus myersi conducts a benthonic way of life, preferring shaded and dimly lit to bottom zones. These small fishes recover an aquarium bright color bodies and prompt movement. Acanthophthalmus myersi (Pangio myersi) can co-exist with any small peaceful fishes living in average and top layers of an aquarium. They are evening fishes and at first they can be observed only in the evening when light is switched already off, in the afternoon they hide in thickets of plants or in various shelters. However acanthophthalmus myersi quickly get used to feeding in the daytime, and start to show activity and in the afternoon. At sharp differences of atmospheric pressure become very uneasy.

To contain acanthophthalmus myersi it is necessary in aquariums of the average sizes.
It should be with absent-minded illumination and the big area of the bottom, densely set small-leaved the plants having as much as possible of various shelters and snags. The ground in an aquarium is desirable for placing dark and small, acanthophthalmus myersi like to be dug in in it in search of the hidden worms.

Water temperature for the maintenance acanthophthalmus myersi 22-24°C. Water parametres - rigidity 5 15 °, рН 6,5-7,0.

For acanthophthalmus myersi it is necessary to select a forage on the size so that fishes could swallow it (a mouth at acanthophthalmus small). Select it only from a bottom, therefore the quantity should be calculated so that other fishes have not eaten sterns until when it will fall on a bottom. Acanthophthalmus myersi prefer small bloodworms, tubifex, a vegetative and dry artificial forage, sympathising with special tablets for ground fishes.

The aquarium in capacity is necessary for spawning acanthophthalmus myersi from 30 l and a water level 20-25 It see should be equipped by a spawning lattice and a spray. Establish an aquarium so that fishes disturbed nothing. Light should be soft and disseminated, plants and shelters are not required. An aquarium fill with the soft acidified water. For this purpose add specially prepared peat broth or a specialised preparation (for example "Amazon extract"). Temperature lift to 28 ° With. In spawning put group of fishes of 3-6 individuals (the female should have an increased paunch) at the age from 1 year where on one  female two males have. To manufacturers do an injection chorionic gonadotropin of calculation of 50-150 m. е. On a copy. As acanthophthalmus myersi mobile fishes to keep them in hands it is almost impossible. For this purpose shortly before an injection of small fishes place in small aquarium capacity of 3-5 l in which water have added some drops novocaine. Through 5-10 mines of a small fish freeze, and it can be made an injection, without injuring them. After that manufacturers transfer to an aquarium. Through 6-8 h males actively pursue females, nestle a head on a head of a female, thus as though supporting its chest fin. In this position of steam acanthophthalmus myersi immediately moves at a bottom, then from the aquarium centre rises to a surface. During this moment the female throws a portion of very small green berries. Manufacturers there and then start to eat the caviar which have appeared in the field of their sight. Through some time interval spawning repeats. Females throws to 500-700 berries, but more often fishes completely caviar not spawn, therefore at once upon termination of spawning it is necessary to decant residual caviar compulsorily. That caviar has not deteriorated in water add an antifungoid preparation (for example Sera mycopur), and establish aeration of water for saturation by its oxygen. In a day from caviar there are tiny green larvae, and in 4 days they start to eat the smallest forage (infusorians, tubifex, Artemia nauplii or rotifers). Also it is possible to bring up their dry feed intended specially for fty spawn fishes. Fry grow quickly so by the end of the first month reach at length of 1 sm and get striped colouring. During the same time them gradually start to translate in more hard water, gradually accustoming to "adult" life that then further without problems to translate them in the general aquarium.

Depending on maintenance conditions the sexual maturity acanthophthalmus myersi comes at the age from 8 till 12 months. Life expectancy makes 4-5 years.

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