Friday, November 18, 2011

Botia superciliaris, Botia striata

The native land of a Botia superciliaris (Botia striata) is Southern India, the river of Tunga, Shivamagga. Naturally fishes are not numerous and rare. To aquarists the Botia superciliaris (Botia striata) is known since 1920.

The Botia superciliaris (Botia striata) has the body extended at length: the back line is curved, a paunch almost direct. From other kinds differs an intensive and accurate colouring. The basic background of a trunk silvery-yellow, and on it thin cross-section strips of dark colour extending from top to bottom are located. A paunch yellowish-golden. Colouring of a small fish depends on a place of catching and it is sometimes very similar on Botia Dario. Fins at a Botia superciliaris (Botia striata) transparent with a small yellowish shade and a pattern from black points. The head has the dulled form and is supplied by three steams of short moustaches. In the nature the length of a small fish can reach 12 sm, in bondage does not exceed 5-7 see.

Botia superciliaris (Botia striata) very peaceful, harmless, gregarious small fish. In an aquarium it is desirable to hold on 4-6 individuals. Conducts a benthonic way of life and it is active the whole day long.

To contain a Botia superciliaris (Botia striata) it is necessary in an aquarium in volume not less than 100 litres with muffled light and numerous shelters at the bottom. The ground is necessary soft, and sandy. Plants in an aquarium land large-leaved, well taking roots in a ground. Water parametres: rigidity of water to 15 °, рН 6,0 - 7,0, temperature 22 - 26 °С. The filtration, aeration and weekly substitution to 30 % of volume of water are necessary.
The Botia superciliaris (Botia striata) is unpretentious in food uses both live, and a dry feed.

Cultivation of a Botia superciliaris (Botia striata) completely is not mastered.

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