Friday, November 18, 2011

Botia Morleti aquarium fish

The native land Botia morleti is South East Asia, Thailand. This small fish is known to aquarists since 1855.

Botia morleti has the body extended at length: the back line is curved, a paunch almost direct. A distinctive feature of this small fish is the narrow black strip which passes from a mouth tip on all crest of a back and comes to an end with the wide black ring covering a tail stalk. The basic background of a trunk light brown, it allows to mask excellently to small fishes at a sandy bottom. On fins by close examination it is possible to find out small specks and strokes of brown colour, sometimes with a yellow-orange shade. Unlike other kinds Botia, colouring at Botia morleti remains invariable during all life. The head has the dulled form with the big eyes without a protective skin under which there are sharp thorns (fish can strain and weaken them). Round a mouth four pairs moustaches are located. At length can reach 10 see.

Botia morleti conducts a benthonic way of life, likes to hide in various shelters. She is a gregarious small fish. There are extremely cocky and aggressive individuals (especially to Pantodon), therefore it is desirable to hold them in a specific aquarium. Botia morleti it becomes most active with approach of twilight.

To contain Botia morleti it is necessary in an aquarium in volume of 200 l with muffled light, numerous shelters at the bottom and a vegetation abundance. The ground is necessary soft, and sandy. Water temperature should be 26 - 30 °ะก. The filtration, aeration and weekly substitution to 30 % of volume of water are necessary.

Botia morleti it is omnivorous. Uses in food the live, frozen, dry, vegetative forage, likes to regale on snails.

Cultivation Botia morleti completely is not mastered.

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