Friday, November 18, 2011

Botia kubotai - this beautiful fish is one of the new representatives of a kind

The native land Botia kubotai Burma. This beautiful small fish one of new representatives some kind of has been described only in 2004, therefore for the present seldom enough meets in pet-shops.

At Botia kubotai the extended body: the back line is curved, a paunch almost direct. The head has the dulled form and is supplied by four steams of short moustaches. Eyes large. A tail fin two-bladed. The basic background of a body ink with numbers of large among themselves large and small light stains. All fins light with issine-black strips. Sexual differences: are not revealed. At length Botia kubotai grows to 10 see.

Botia kubotai very active, peace and a bit timid small fish. To contain it it is necessary group of 6-8 individuals with mobile, but not aggressive kinds of fishes which will not bother small fishes with the excessive attention. Activity shows in the afternoon. It is often possible to observe, how botia kubotai a cheerful flock scurry about on an aquarium in search of food, chase one after another or as the pair of young small fishes sorts out relations (thus, their colouring becomes much more pale). Botia kubotai not a territorial small fish: in one hollow snag can peacefully co-exist to 5-6 small fishes. To have a rest боции love on wide leaves of plants.
The aquarium in volume of 80 litres is necessary for the maintenance botia kubotai (on pair small fishes) with various shelters (snags, caves from stones, flowerpots) and thickets of the plants landed at lateral walls or on a background. Illumination should be muffled, disseminated. As a ground sand or small gravel (botia like to rummage in a ground in search of the forage rests) approaches. Water parametres optimum for the maintenance botia kubotai: rigidity to 15 °, рН 6.8 - 7.5, temperature 24-28°С. The constant filtration, aeration and weekly substitution to 30 % of volume of water is necessary. Botia kubotai it is susceptible to parasites of a skin.

In food Botia kubotai uses a live forage (bloodworm, koretra, loves snails) with addition vegetative (leaves of salad, spinach etc.) and substitutes. It is periodically necessary to arrange days of limited intake of food as the small fish is inclined to an overeating.

Cultivation Botia kubotai completely is not mastered.

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